Sample corporate blog post: The Overlooked Benefits of Newborn Care No One Talks About

The Overlooked Benefits of Newborn Care No One Talks About

Having another child? Congratulations! There’s plenty to celebrate about a new pregnancy — and plus, you’ve already got the house baby-proofed. However, you might be feeling some anxiety about your time and scheduling. Caring for one infant is time consuming even when they’re the only new addition to your family. What about when there are older siblings in the picture? Will your first child feel left out or lonely? Will your relationship with them change?

Caregiver Burden

This taps into something called “Caregiver Burden”. It’s a straightforward name for a complex issue: Caregiver Burden is the compounded fatigue and stress from taking care of a loved one for an extended amount of time. Caregiver burden results from how much time you have to spend caregiving and how stressful it is. Even though caregivers generally are eager to fill their roles and love their babies and loved ones more than anything, they can still feel the negative effects of caregiver burden. In fact, studies have shown that if you have caregiver burden you might be at a higher risk for depression and burnout.

Caring for toddlers

No one wants caregiver burden and burnout. But it can be even worse to experience when there are toddlers in the home, as they have crucial developmental stages where they need attention and parenting to flourish and thrive. Often, the timing of a second or third baby can occur when your first children are still locking down basic skills like potty training or walking. Throw in a new life event, like a new child, and your toddler might need more attention than ever. The “transition to siblinghood” for toddlers can be a time of incredible stress and disruption, and toddlers have been known to regress if not given enough attention during this time period. If your child has just mastered the art of the potty within the past month and all of a sudden has a new sibling, they may forget the skill and need diapers again.

Lack of attention for your other children can also lead to resentment. From an article in Psychology Today written by a primary researcher on birth order: “The older siblings also reject the youngest because they are jealous of the amount of attention the parents need to give him with his care, for instance, feeding him and changing his diapers.The middle child used to be the baby, and resents the youngest for taking away his or her role. Studies have shown that there is a greater amount of competition if the two children are close in age.”

What to do?

Luckily, you shouldn’t have to worry about your toddler’s regression and resentment if you have plenty of time for attention and parenting. Studies show that attention and parenting can make this stressful life event easier for the toddler, and can even turn it in to a time of growth. Another study noted that “parental support appears to promote adjustment” for a toddler adjusting to a new sibling.

The overlooked benefits of newborn care

With caregiver burden and the importance of parenting other children in mind, it’s easy to see why there is a rising trend towards parents choosing to have overnight newborn care. More and more mothers are choosing to get a good night’s sleep to be refreshed and revitalized in the morning, and ready to take on the day. Extra caregiving help can ease caregiver burden for you, and help prevent negative health effects of burnout.

Overnight newborn care, like what Snugglebuds offers, can help you

  • Have increased energy due to sleeping through the night stress-free

  • Have increased time with your loved ones

  • Have higher marriage quality due to lower stress (which helps your toddler thrive! See “The Role of Marital Quality in Toddler Development”)

  • Have a closer bond with your other children, which can prevent toddler behavior regression

Regardless, it’s important not to go it alone. This can be a stressful time, but having a strong social support network, as well as caregiving support, will “positively influence the mothering experience”. Adding a new baby to your family doesn’t have to be stressful -- it can be a time to relax and get to know your new family member. They probably can’t wait to meet you!

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Medical Disclaimer: This article is a general overview and may not apply to everyone. It does not substitute for medical advice; talk to your family doctor to get more information on this subject.